GOD Stories

God, our Healer!

In September, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  As they began doing extensive tests for the cancer they also found a growth on my thyroid and a spot on the liver. Additional testing showed that the growth on the thyroid  was not cancer and no further action was needed. The initial test on the liver did not show any problem but they are going to do another MRI to make sure there is no issue. After numerous procedures in preparation they completed the surgery for breast cancer on 12/7/23. The cancer tumor and the primary lymph node were both removed. The follow up tests showed that all cancer had been removed with clear margins. In early January the Drs. will advise if any additional treatment will be needed. I thank the Lord for his faithfulness in helping me as I continue through this trial. Jehovah-Rapha is our Healer!

- Kathy Mancini

Men's Advance 2024 Healing

I injured my AC joint in my mid-twenties. I am now sixty-one and have suffered with pain in my shoulder ever since. I have had it prayed for numerous times. I began working out again and whenever I do bench press it feels like someone is stabbing me in the shoulder with an icepick!

During worship at the Men's Advance, one of the men said he saw lightning coming out of his fingers.
Habakkuk 3:4 GNT " He comes with the brightness of lightning; light flashes from his hand, here where his power is hidden."
He said he didn't know what to do with what he was seeing so I told him to begin praying for people. Then I thought, "What about me?" So I went over to him and asked him to pray for my shoulder. That night while lying in bed, on that shoulder, I realized it wasn't hurting. But I knew the real test would be the next time I worked out. Two days after the retreat I bench pressed and didn't feel a thing. I am healed.

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