Say Yes
“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” ~ Ephesians 4:11-13
God wants to use YOU to advance His kingdom! The “Say YES!” initiative is our way of giving our GPC Family the opportunity to serve the Lord by serving others in a variety of areas. Check out the opportunities described below, then click the “sign up” button to complete the volunteer sign-up process. We look forward to following up with you soon!
How To Serve?
Our Connect Group team members host and/or lead midweek groups which are the absolute best place for us all to forge life-long friendships, genuine Christian community, and grow our relationships with Jesus. We enjoy increasing fellowship opportunities within our GPC Church Family.
Our team uses the many avenues of technology and media to assist in communicating all of the amazing events and opportunities going on in our church to the congregation. We strive to properly convey the heart of GPC to those who are seeking and looking from the outside in.
Our team welcomes both members and visitors with a warm smile and friendly greeting as they arrive Sunday mornings. We also love answering questions and making connections with new faces.
Our children’s team pours everything they have into helping our kids learn to trust God in all things, have a growing relationship with Jesus, and experience the power of the Holy Spirit within a fun and safe environment for both our littles’ class (Ages 4m – Prek) and Elementary (K-5th).
The Men’s team provides opportunities for men to build solid spiritual foundations with God, so they can be strong leaders for their family, in their job, and within their community. We plan events from our yearly retreats, men’s breakfasts, BBQ’s, golfing, and any other opportunity where we can build genuine fellowship among Men.
Our focus is reaching out to people internationally or within our local community. We participate in the development and/or the execution of relational outreaches that will connect GPC to those outside the walls of our church, creating opportunities for us to Bless and Serve those around us, and bring Jesus to them wherever they are in life!
Our team believes Jesus came to save, heal, and deliver! When we pray, we expect to see God’s mercy and love breakthrough with a miracle.
Our team sets the stage for all Sunday ministries, so they can focus their energy on their own primary tasks for the day upon their arrival. We set up chairs, put out signs and unload the storage room, moving equipment / bins to various rooms, as well as placing everything back at the end of service.
Our Sound & Audio/Video team provides support and enhances the overall worship and sermon experience for both the in-person and online communities. Our work ranges from setup and the operation of the Sound board, camera, and managing both Song lyrics and Sermon note navigation for our viewers.
The Women’s team provides opportunities for women to explore and express who God has uniquely made them to be – So they love Jesus, one another and the world.
Our skilled musicians and vocalist use their gifts to minister to God and partner with the Holy Spirit creating an atmosphere for others to praise and encounter Him. We are looking to grow our family with more drummers, bassists, guitar players (both acoustic and electric), piano and synth players, violin, saxophone, and vocalists.
Our Youth Ministry team is raising up the next generation to know and love God. We are looking for energetic, genuine, godly men and women that have a heart for teenagers who can cultivate a place for the youth to develop deep friendships with each other and feel comfortable to ask questions and talk about God.