The Amazing Grace of God Pt 1 – What’s Joy Got to Do with It?

Thechurchcodaniel   -  

The Bible, as well as scientific research, tells us that joy is critical to our brain development, our emotional well-being, as well as the strength of our physical bodies. Did you know that? I think most of us have heard that medical science has proven that joy is a major factor in a patient’s recovery. Well, the Bible knew that long ago. “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 NIV

Isn’t that interesting? This isn’t just nice poetry, it’s a physiological fact. God knows how He designed us. God made you from joy, and for joy. That is why your mental, emotional, and physical well-being do not fare well when your joy is depleted. So, how do you increase your joy, especially when facing difficult situations that induce fear and stress? It all begins with God.

Years ago, knowing that the Bible teaches us that the “joy of the Lord is our strength,” I made a short list of the things that were robbing me of my joy. Then I asked the Holy Spirit what the solution to these things would be. He gave me clear answers and I jotted them down, and my joy immediately began to increase. God is a God of joy. We usually don’t see God in this light, which I believe is part of our problem.
But the apostle Paul, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, tells us:

“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17 NLT

God knows that we need to have joy to survive and thrive. Even in our suffering. Actually, especially in our suffering. As I shared with my church on Sunday (watch message here), at the same time that I have been wading through the deep waters of sorrow, grief, and pain, from the loss of my wife, I have also been experiencing profound joy. It’s used to be an enigma to me over the years of going through trials that I would be experiencing joy in the midst of suffering – until I realized that it was God’s joy. That the God of joy was releasing His joy in me while I was facing extremely difficult situations. Does this mean we won’t experience fear, shame, pain, sorrow, and grief? Of course not. I have been experiencing these in boatloads. But what it does mean is that the joy of God will enable us to endure suffering and come through the other side successfully – and fruitfully. I hope this helps you as you face your trials. Know that God is with you in your trial – the God of joy – and He not only feels your pain, and cares, but that He wants to sustain and empower you with His joy.

Action Item:
Find a quite place. Ask the Holy Spirit what is robbing you of your joy. Write these things down. Then ask Him what the solutions are to these things. Write those down. Do any action items He gives to you. See if your joy doesn’t increase. I know it will.