
What I do for GPC: I oversee our Connect Group leaders. Additionally, I teach and train.

What I Do For Fun: Play guitar, watch movies, play cards, and make jokes.

What Makes Me Laugh: Good friends.

What Makes Me Cry: The goodness of God.

In A Previous Life (before GPC): I was a trial lawyer in Canada.

Best Advice I Ever Received: Take risks. Believe in the goodness and power of God.

Things I Care About: Seeing people overcome their pasts; music; NFL football.

Family Matters: Our family is small. Two adults that love good food and laughter.

My Secret Talent: I am an extrovert. Extroverts don’t have “hidden talents.”

My Favorite Cartoon Character and Why: Bugs Bunny because he defines the word: “cool”.

Grew Up Where: Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Take Interstate 15 and don’t stop until you hit the border. Drive another 2 hours and you’re in the land of my memories.

Favorite Movies: Blade Runner, Terminator Two, Notting Hill (for the casting), Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, Trading Places, most action movies.

Food I Can’t Live Without Beef in all its wonderful forms.

Favorite Books: Cannery Row (because Steinbeck treats his down and out characters with such great dignity), Glamorous Powers or anything by Susan Howatch, anything by Dallas Willard. For fun, anything by Vince Flynn, Tom Clancy, David Baldacci, John Grisham.

Favorite Music/Bands: Steely Dan, The Eagles, Joe Satriani, all classic rock, Stevie Ray Vaughn, the list goes onward and upward into Glory.

What Made Me Want To Follow Jesus: Someone once said that there are two great tragedies in life: not attaining your dreams and attaining your dreams. By the time I was 28, I had attained everything I dreamed of and found that it was not enough to provide genuine purpose for living. Jesus was a last ditch effort to find meaning and purpose for my life – He has not disappointed.